Final Press Release: inteGRIDy project reaches its end with the launch of innovative energy solutions validated across 10 pilot sites

inteGRIDy project reaches its end with the launch of innovative energy solutions validated across 10 pilot sites

Madrid, October 7th, 2021 – inteGRIDy project announces the end of its funding period after 54 months of work towards the development and integration of cutting-edge technologies, solutions, and mechanisms in a scalable framework of replicable solutions to connect existing energy networks with various stakeholders, both operators, and consumers.

Coordinated by Atos, inteGRIDy held 10 pilots located at EU 8 countries to assess their developed technologies’ performance within real-life scenarios. The validation of interoperability opens up an optimal and dynamic operation of the Distribution Grid, assuring the stability of the electricity grid and allowing collaborative storage schemes within an increasing share of renewable energies.

The project’s most relevant outcomes include:

  • inteGRIDy Cross-Functional Modular Platform integrates 30 different software tools provided by inteGRIDy partners and aiming at smartening the distribution grid.
  • inteGRIDy solution space demonstrating effective tool interoperability and seamless communication in a common virtual environment, complementing the 10 different framework instantiations at pilot sites.
  • inteGRIDy Business Modelling and Replicability Tool which provides an easy-to-use tool for automated identification of business models for energy solutions, including a database for replicability to predict scalability and score for various technologies in different EU countries. Using predictive algorithms, each user is guaranteed personalized data-driven analysis for its specific requests, including cash flow needs.

“inteGRIDy has demonstrated the technical and business viability of highly complex digital frameworks made up of tenths of different data valorization tools working”, explains Javier Valiño, Coordinator of inteGRIDy project. “There will be no Green Energy transition without full digitalization”.

The project promoted high-quality and high impact campaigns for communication and dissemination, including 8 different workshops engaging more than 600 stakeholders. Aiming to spread the word locally regarding pilot activities, inteGRIDy proactivity enlarged the current set of end-users and fostered inter-pilot and inter-tool synergies.

The pilots and demonstration sites were located in Isle of Wight (UK), San Severino Marche and Terni (Italy), Ploiesti (Romania), Xanthi and Thessaloniki (Greece), Nicosia (Cyprus), Barcelona (Spain), Lisboa (Portugal) and Saint-Jean de Maurienne (France). After its end, the project’s goal is to open new collaborations and to reach new customers, including municipalities and community energy operators.

The project started on January 1st, 2017, and the consortium includes Atos and Aiguasol (Spain), SIEMENS, Teesside University, Isle of Wight Council, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and Minus7, (United Kingdom), Engineering, ASM Terni, University of Rome "Sapienza", Polytechnic of Milan, Azienda San Severino Marche, Energy@Work and UNE (Italy), SOREA (France), University of Cyprus and Electricity Authority of Cyprus (Cyprus), PH Energia, LISBOA E-NOVA, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa and Virtual Power Solutions (Portugal), SIMAVI Romania and S.E. Electrica S.A. (Romania), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Sunlight, WATT+VOLT and TREK (Greece).

Know more about the project through its Whitepapers Book.

For more information:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268