
SDFEE Electrica S.A shortly named “Electrica”, is a Romanian legal person, organized as a joint stock company, managed in the one tier system, and it carries out its business according to Romanian laws and Electrica – Articles of Incorporation in place since December 18th 2014. Its object of activity consists in power distribution (DSO) and supply, providing communications infrastructure / information and energy services. In 31.12.2010, SDFEE Electrica SA had a 25% market share of the electricity supply, providing the highest quality services to a total of 3,505,290 customers. The Company is a leader in terms of size of existing assets, since it has about 36% of electrical networks at various voltage levels 0.231-110 kV, followed by ENEL (29%), CEZ (18%) and EON (17%). Regarding the market served by Electrica SA, there are two essential dimensions:

  • Regarding the geographical coverage, Electrica covers 18 counties in the country (42 counties). (approx. 36% ofthe country ~ 92.000kmp).
  • Regarding the number and diversity of consumers fed from the electrical network management, it serves about
    42% of the number of consumers of the country (~ 8 million).
  • SDFEE Electrica S.A is a shareholder in the 3 Distribution Branches and the Supply Branch. The important activities are those of exploitation and development of the distribution systems, communications and information
    technology, as well as those associated with the supply/commercialization of electric power for customers. Through Electrica Serv, the field of activity is considerably expanded, with a wide range of services offered to the customers. These are maintenance services of electrical installations, designing and consulting, power equipment repairs, auto transports, commercial, related activities.

SDFEE Electrica SA is involved in the implementation of some projects in the field of power generation in wind farm and photovoltaic.

Role in InteGRIDy
In the Romanian use case the energy demand and supply are matched by means of intelligent systems aiming at delivering a direct impact on overall energy consumption. Electrica will develop an innovative infrastructure with energy consumers and energy providers whose demand and supply of energy will be monitored. The aim is to reason on energy consumption and provision such that, by optimizing (reducing) the overall energy consumption a positive impact on environment can be ensured.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268