EEEIC19 conference: inteGRIDy paper

The 19th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering was held last week in Genoa, Italy. IEEE EEEIC is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on energy systems both today and in the future. The conference provides a unique opportunity for industry to interact directly with university researchers, manufacturers and distributors of energy equipment and to discuss a wide variety of topics related to energy systems and environmental issues.
Llast week our colleague Giuseppe Paterno from ENGINEERING presented there the paper titled "SMART ICT FRAMEWORK FOR THE INTELLIGENT MANAGEMENT OF DIFFERENT MODERN ENERGY SYSTEMS". We are very proud of announcing that the audience showed wide interest and gave us the chance to highlight some strength points of the inteGRIDy work.

Genoa, Italy

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268