inteGRIDy online survey on SmartGrid Market Priorities

H2020 inteGRIDy project is inviting you to participate on an on-line survey for understanding the vision of different stakeholders in the European smart grid technologies, from their multiple prospective, identifying their needs and market priorities, gathering recommendation and proposals on today's distribution challenges.

We kindly ask you to participate if your organization falls into one of the following target groups.

  • TG1 - System Operators (Transmission System Operators, Independent System Operators, Distribution System Operators and other local network operation entities).
  • TG2 - Market Operators (Retailers, Large producers & Traders, Aggregators, Brokers, ESCo).
  • TG3 - Governance and Policy Bodies and Final Users (Regulation Authorities, Governmental Institutions, Public administrations, Policy Makers, no profit Agencies, Customers and large customers, prosumers, user association).
  • TG4 - Externals (all those subjects that does not produce, dispatch, sell or use energy and participate to the market in a subsidiary way: services providers, third part service providers, Research & Innovation Entities, industrial or consultancy providers).

This online survey will take a maximum of 15 minutes.

The requested information will remain internal to inteGRIDy and only aggregated data will be published.

The closing date of this survey is on Friday, 14th of July. For further information please contact us at

Thank you very much for your support!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268