Use Case description
Pilot Ploiesti is implemented in relation to the ‘InteGRIDy’ project’s Demand Response pillar. The purpose of implementing the EIIS (Energy Integrated Information System) within the Ploiesti Pilot is to ensure a Demand Response (DR) Smart Grid for a residential area, where buildings’ energy management and control systems will operate based on critical peak pricing and intelligent DR programs/algorithms.
The challenge of implementing the Ploiesti Pilot is to deliver an innovative solution which provides specific functionalities such as monitoring and control of the operation of DR programmes in order to decrease the peak of power consumption, engaging consumers in DR, testing and validating the concept of a DSO (Distribution System Operator) as user of demand-side flexibility. Moreover, the consumer behaviour has to be analyzed to increase flexibility of energy consumption using specific DR intelligent algorithms with the final goal of providing trade flexibility solutions.
Read the leaflet below for further information about how inteGRIDy faces this challenge!