
Use Case description

At Sunlight premises an islanded smart microgrid network operates that fulfils local load demand. The grid consists of three nodes, where a smaller microgrids at each of them, that are connected together through a common direct current bus. Each microgrid consists of equipment exploiting various Renewable Energy Sources, a local load, a battery and a diesel generator. The nodes are powered by Photovoltaics and Wind Generators. One of the nodes has hydrogen generation infrastructure from Photovoltaic and a Fuel Cell that consumes the hydrogen upon demand based on the status of the other subsystems.
The electrical topology is complemented by communication and automation infrastructure which leads to the formation of the smart grid and facilitates the decision making process for the exchange of energy among the systems. Besides the local data acquisition systems, an interoperable SCADA system exists that monitors and manages the power exchange at the network
Read the leaflet below for further information about how inteGRIDy faces this challenge!


This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268