United Kingdom

Teesside University (TU) is based in North East of England. Within TU the Technology Futures Institute (TFI) carries out
multidisciplinary research spanning innovation in process control, energy and environment, life sciences, security business and enterprise as well as providing consultancy services to industry. Such work is conducted in collaboration with a wide number of academic and commercial partners. The TFI has approximately 35 academic members plus research staff and 64 PhD students. In the latest research assessment by the UK government TFI attained its highest ever performance rating, with 59% of research recognized as world-leading or internationally excellent, and 90% of research having world-leading or internationally excellent impact. TU as a whole has about 1700 employees. In 2009, TU was named UK University of the Year at the Times Higher Education Awards, and in 2013 TU received The Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education.

Role in InteGRIDy:
TU developed DR energy management optimisation tool within the EU FP7 project IDEAS which will be integrated with the tools provided by the other inteGRIDy project partners, thus contributing to the project Objective 1 to Integrate a set of innovative tools and technologies under a scalable and replicable platform. The tool will be demonstrated within the project, thus contributing to the Objective 4 to Demonstrate an integrated Decision Making and Optimisation Framework. TU is leading the tasks dealing with regulatory requirements, thus contributing to inteGRIDy Objective 7 to transform the energy market and regulatory frameworks in Europe. TU will look at collaboration opportunities with the other projects related to inteGRIDy as part of its activities within the task related with Collaboration with Other Projects & Coordination & Support Actions.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268