
SOFTWARE IMAGINATION & VISION (former SIVECO Romania SA) is a private shareholder company, established in 1992, with over 800 employees, located in Bucharest, Romania. During its twenty-two years of existence, SIMAVI has become one of the most important Romanian providers and software integrators of Enterprise Resource Management License and Maintenance,
eLearning, eGovernment, eHealth, eBusiness, eAgriculture, eCustoms solutions and turnkey projects acting both on the internal and international markets. Moreover, SIMAVI has gained a solid reputation on international markets by developing successful projects together with several international companies, collaboration that has blossomed into genuine partnership over the years. Based on the company’s 22 years of expertise in developing and implementing complex IT solutions, SIMAVI Applications is an EAS system, competitive at international level, providing central and local public institutions, state enterprises and companies with an integrated control of their activities and processes, in full compliance with national legislative regulations. Through its dedicated components and functionalities, SIMAVI Applications ensured the efficient management of the available budgetary funds, of the funds and subsidies, payments management, the control of the procurement processes, record keeping of the investment plans, increasing the efficiency of consumptions and introducing IT to all processes. Having a high degree of customization and being designed using the latest standards, SIMAVI Applications adapts to the specificity of each organization and contributes significantly to increasing the efficiency of its beneficiaries’ activity. Due to its modular structure and complex functionalities, SIMAVI Applications covers all the activities within an organization and ensures the proper management of resources, automation of data flows, data consistence and coherence, as well as quick retrieval and reporting of information.
The EAS integrated system is formed of 49 well harmonized components, ensuring the feasibility of the application and guaranteeing its good operation and use by end users. The components contain a powerful parameterization and configuring system, being designed in such a manner that any legislative or organizational changes occurring are operational with minimal efforts.

Role in InteGRIDy:
In this project SIMAVI participates in all stages of the solution development, starting with the analysis of use case requirements, the definition of the Conceptual Architecture - Functional & Technical Specifications, and will be the main technical partner leading the integration of the sub-components, and will also take part in the Back-end Platform demonstration and evaluation activities and also in the management, dissemination, exploitation and communication activities.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 731268