Use Case description
The Cyprus pilot tests two different use cases. The first use case is related to the operation of a grid-connected microgrid within the campus of University of Cyprus (UCY) in Nicosia city, while the second one is focused on dispersed prosumers within Cyprus island, enabling the DSO of Cyprus to harness the benefits of demand-side flexibility. The selected prosumers have a photovoltaic (PV) installation with two separate smart metering infrastructures, to have access both to production and consumption data. These prosumers are dispersed within Nicosia and Larnaca regions.
These two different sites have been proposed for reasons of having different weather conditions, while being located near Nicosia. Furthermore, the selected prosumers are not supplied by the same distribution feeder. The impact of the proposed solutions to a single feeder of the electrical grid will be examined within the university microgrid test case.
The monitoring of the microgrid will be carried out through sensors and advanced smart metering infrastructure, placed in several nodes within the campus. A single point of collecting the measurements and take the respective control decisions is included in the solution.
Read the leaflet below for further information about how inteGRIDy faces this challenge!